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89 elementi trovati per ""

  • Paintings | art

    Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image Describe your image

  • Digital Doodles | art

    Blue Lobster Neon Deco Moody Bird Fierce Butterfly Kindred Spirits

  • Digital Photography Art | art

    Home Gift Shop New Page Emotional In Nature Collage Art Oils Photography Film & Video Art Digital Photography Art Supernatural StrangeLove Performace Art Study Drawings Day Dreamers Children's Art Expressive Work Digital Doodles Grafite + Mix Media Portraits Day Dreamers Art Workshop Shop Analogue Collage Gift Card More D igital Photography Art is the bridge between mediums, of art and photography. It is a very playful area. No real restrictions. I can push a photograph in a more edgy direction. I can push and pull to an extreme, and on the way, I discover more about my own style preference. It is a place to experiment more than ever. digital phography art

  • 12 Animals | Hazel C Copcutt

    12 ANIMALS Spirituality | Family | Instinct | Nature | Character | Intelligence 12 Animals: Text

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